Zombie Highway 1.4 (v1.4) apk
Zombie Highway 1.4 apk

- Better support for large high density screens
- Correctly functioning back button
- minor bug fixes and performance improvements
Zombie Highway 1.4, How long can you survive?
It’s really challenging at first, but then once you get the hang of it, you’re left spraying zombie blood all over the highway. Hardcore mode is just the best. Easy 5*.
Head down an infinite desert highway swarmed with zombies! Navigate obstacles while scraping and shooting off the undead clinging to your car, in one of the most addictive zombie survival games!
Cars, guns, and zombies… what more could you want?
“[Zombie Highway] will keep you racing down that highway more times than you’re willing to admit.” – Appadvice
“Zombie Highway a sublime blend of ease, skill, violence” – Appolicious.com
“..this game oozes fun” – Slide To Play
Good zombie game! Everything is unlockable you don’t need to pay once you’ve bought the game… However I would like to see more vehicles like a tank/APC or something, and maybe some more zombie types, like ones that chase your car?
Your hair is just gorgeous!!! I have tried several of you styles. Thanks for the tips.